The Temperance Movement - "A Deeper Cut"

Παρασκευή 16 Μαρτίου 2018

The Temperance Movement - "A Deeper Cut" (audio) from the s.t album
Band: The Temperance Movement
Country of origin: Scotland
Location: Bishopbriggs
Genres: Blues rock, Hard rock
Years active: 2011-present

Audio: "A Deeper Cut"
Album: "A Deeper Cut"
Type: Full length
Release date: February 16th, 2018
Total length: 43:10
Label: Earache
Format: CD, LP, Digital

Track listing:
01. Caught in the Middle 2:40
02. Built-In Forgetter 4:21
03. Love and Devotion 3:23
04. A Deeper Cut 3:44
05. Backwater Zoo 3:54
06. Another Spiral 3:28
07. Beast Nation 3:23
08. The Way It Was and the Way It Is Now 3:17
09. Higher Than the Sun 3:21
10. Children 4:08
11. There's Still Time 3:31
12. The Wonders We've Seen 4:00

Band members:
Phil Campbell - vocals
Paul Sayer - guitars
Nick Fyffe - bass
Matt White - guitars
Simon Lea - drums

Οι The Temperance Movement μας έρχονται από την Σκωτία. Δημιουργήθηκαν προ επταετίας κι έχουν κυκλοφορήσει τρεις "ολοκληρωμένους" δίσκους ("The Temperance Movement" - 2013, "White Bear" - 2016, "A Deeper Cut" - 2018) και δύο EPs ("Pride" - 2012, "Live in Session" - 2013). Τον προηγούμενο μήνα "βγήκε" ο τρίτος δίσκος της μπάντας υπό τον τίτλο "A Deeper Cut"...

Δελτίο τύπου: «British rock and rollers THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT have returned with news of a brand new studio album to be released in early 2018, supported by a European headlining tour. Following a whirlwind few years in which they released two Top 20 albums, toured around the world and shared the stage with such rock megastars as THE ROLLING STONES, THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT are finally back, having been hard at work behind the scenes preparing for an even bigger year in 2018.

The band's eagerly-anticipated new album, 'A Deeper Cut', is due to be released on February 16th, 2018 and features 12 brand new songs which draw on the band's recent experiences and showcase their ever-improving songwriting abilities.

"This is my favourite record we've made so far and I'm more excited about getting this out there than I have been about any of the previous albums," states guitarist Paul Sayer. "I feel like we've really captured what the band is about on this one; I can't wait for people to hear it and I can't wait to get out on the road and play it live to everyone."

From the moment "Caught In The Middle" kicks in, you know this album is going to be something special. Infectious and instantly memorable, it picks up where "White Bear" left off, only taking a few seconds to reel you in. "Built-In Forgetter" and "Love And Devotion" continue with The Temperance Movement's trademark danceable brand of rock, with a feel-good vibe and catchy hooks Title track "A Deeper Cut" has a more contemplative approach, with a dreamy chorus guaranteed to get arms swaying and the crowd singing at their upcoming tour. The quieter, almost wistful sound allows the immense talent of vocalist Phil Campbell to shine brightly, showing a strong yet softer side of his range.

Next up is a stirring funky number entitled "Backwater Zoo", which is followed up by a soulful, bluesy ballad in the form of "Another Spiral". "Beast Nation" and "Higher Than The Sun" are laid back, chilled tracks encapsulating the distinctive sound that has garnered the band such a loyal fanbase, whilst "The Way It Was And The Way It Is Now" has a perfect, singalong chorus and a timeless feel. The band are at their most emotionally profound and vulnerable on "Children", which is followed up by the piano-driven "There's Still Time", a quietly impassioned track infused with an uplifting spirit. The finale, "The Wonders We've Seen", continues the mellow mood that flows throughout the album, and brings "A Deeper Cut" to a close.»

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