World Trade - Unify (lyric video)

Κυριακή 16 Ιουλίου 2017

Το lyric video των World Trade για το τραγούδι "Unify" από το ομότιτλο album
Band: World Trade
Lyric Video: "Unify"
Album: "Unify"
Type: Full length
Genres: Rock
Total length: 49:40
Tracks: 10
Release date: August 4th, 2017
Label: Frontiers Music s.r.l.

Track listing:
01. The New Norm 4:38
02. Where We're Going 6:47
03. Pandora's Box 4:00
04. On Target on Time 4:11
05. Gone All the Way 5:18
06. Unify 5:35
07. For the Fallen 4:30
08. Lifeforce 4:30
09. Same Old Song 5:19
10. Again 4:52

Band members:
Billy Sherwood - bass and lead vocals
Bruce Gowdy - guitars
Guy Allison - keyboards
Mark T. Williams - drums

Δελτίο τύπου: «Composed of some of L.A.'s most recognized studio and songwriting talents, Billy Sherwood, Guy Allison, and Bruce Gowdy comprise the band World Trade. Lead vocalist and main songwriter, Billy Sherwood has been a fixture of the L.A. studio and recording scene since the mid-80's. Billy's talents range from producing a GRAMMY nominated album for Paul Rodgers to being the current bass player of YES, handpicked by Chris Squire to replace him before his untimely death. He also recently joined up with Asia as a replacement for John Wetton after his passing for the band’s current US tour with Journey. Guy Allison and Bruce Gowdy, a pair of musicians also known for being behind the awesome melodic rock band Unruly Child Band, and drummer Mark T. Williams (son of famed composer John Williams and brother of Toto singer Joseph) round out the line-up.»

Billy Sherwood: «World Trade was always a very special band, with a unique sound. It's amazing all these years later to be able to make another record and have it feel just as special as the first.»

Bruce Gowdy: «World Trade was always one of my favorite bands that I had the pleasure to be involved in. We are a real bunch of creative souls. Our debut record had such a great vibe and our new CD ‘Unity’ does as well! To our fans, we hope we can come out and play for you soon.»

Guy Allison: «If I had heard World Trade back when I was an impressionable young man (one who fell in love with the band U.K. on the very first listen), they would have made a lifelong impression on me. I'm very proud to have been a part of that musical journey with some of my very best friends.»

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