Scorpions: A Worldwide Fan Film

Κυριακή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Από τους φίλους των Scorpions για τους φίλους των Scorpions (και όχι μόνο). Δείτε το "The Scorpions - A Worldwide Fan Film Project". Διαρκεί πάνω από μία ώρα, οπότε επιλέξτε χρονική στιγμή που είστε χαλαροί και δεν σας πιέζει ο χρόνος...

Οι δημιουργοί: «The Scorpions - A Worldwide Fan Film Project was an idea created by fans of the Scorpions. To highlight the connections that the music of the Scorpions brings together to people all around the world. Music bringing people together for over 40 years.»

Σχετικά με το φιλμ: «The Scorpions have been rocking the world for over 40 years now. With that comes many fans from every corner of the globe as well as every shape, size and language. Their fans are dedicated and opinionated but in the end they are connected to each other and consider fans family members. Just like any family; not everyone gets along but that does not matter, what matters is how much the Scorpions as a group has touched our hearts and souls. That connection between the fans and the band themselves is a strong one and is very rare at that.

This film is being created by fans, for the fans. We want to capture the essence, the magic and the addiction that the Scorpions have on our lives. In this film, we explore what we as fans feel for the group and how through the Scorpions we have become a family that stretches to every corner of the globe.

There will be many elements to this film, we will dive into fan interviews in multiple languages and ask such questions as, "What is your favorite song?" We are in contact with tribute bands who dedicate a good portion of their free time living and breathing the Scorpions. Of course then there are the fan clubs, over 200 of them around the world. Some of them are not that easy to find! Of course there will be special cameo appearances by the people who wrote or helped establish the Scorpions become the success they are today and the sound that is unique.»

3 σχόλια:

ROCK STAR είπε...

Μόλις βρήκα πως θα περάσω το βράδυ μου. Thanks.

BALADEUR είπε...

Το είδες τελικά να μας πεις γνώμη;

ROCK STAR είπε...

Χθες το βράδυ. Αποκλειστικά για φαν του συγκροτήματος.

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