To/Die/For - In Black

Τετάρτη 20 Μαΐου 2015

Band: To/Die/For
Video: "In Black"
Director: Roy Unho
Cinematographer: Oskari Pölhö
Edit / Post Production: Mikko Lehtonen
Executive Producer: Samuel Schildt
Producer: Junkyard Films

2nd single from the upcoming 7th To/Die/For studio album. The video is filmed and produced by Junkyard Films, the single recorded, mixed and mastered by Juho Räihä at SoundSpiral Audio. The video features all Miss Rock 2015 - finalists.

Album: "Cult"
Type: Full length
Release date: June 26th, 2015
Label: Massacre Records
Format: CD

Track listing:
1. In Black
2. Screaming Birds
3. Unknown III
4. Mere Dream
5. You
6. Straight Up
7. Let It Bleed
8. End of Tears

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