Cernunnos Rising - Walk Your Path

Παρασκευή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Οι αυτοσυστήνονται ως: «a unique blend of New Age, Celtic, Pagan, Druidic music featuring evocative songs with deep and well crafted lyrics; reminding us of a living tradition that explores the mysticism of trees, the waters, the air that we breathe, the seen and the unseen and the delicate balance in all things.With overwhelming reviews from O.B.O.D. members and fellow artists such as Damh the Bard, Cernunnos Rising's albums "Wild Soul" and "Urban Druid" have gained major exposure and response in a short space of time.»

Band: Cernunnos Rising
Video: "Walk Your Path"
Album: "Urban Druid"
Label: Cernunnos Music

The song: «A song inspired by many sad stories of people living with regret and missed opportunity due to fear, self doubt, lack of courage, inner strength and belief.An upbeat inspirational song about following the heart... pursuing your dreams and desires, being true to yourself and the journey of your soul. There is a huge incomparable difference between being a spectator in life, and being fully engaged experiencing the vitality of being in the flow.»

→ All music and lyrics copyright to George Nicholas
→ Video contains third-party content unless otherwise stated
→ Cernunnos Rising: Medwyn Goodall & George Nicholas

3 σχόλια:

ROCK STAR είπε...

Πάρα πολύ ωραίο. Thanks. Που τους ανακάλυψες;

BALADEUR είπε...

Άκουσες κι άλλα τραγούδια τους ή αρκέστηκες στο βίντεο που ανάρτησα;

ROCK STAR είπε...

Όχι εκείνη τη στιγμή που έγραφα το σχόλιο, τώρα ναι. Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα προσέγγιση, όχι μόνο στο μουσικό μέρος.

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