Stream of Passion: "A War of Our Own"

Κυριακή 20 Απριλίου 2014

Band: Stream of Passion
Album: "A War of Our Own"
Type: Full length
Release date: April 18th, 2014
Label: Self-released

Track listing:
01. Monster (05:53)
02. A War of Our Own (04:10)
03. The Curse (04:24)
04. Autophobia (03:48)
05. Burning Star (03:44)
06. For You (03:01)
07. Exile (05:10)
08. Delirio (05:02)
09. Earthquake (04:27)
10. Secrets (04:39)
11. Don't Let Go (06:00)
12. Out of the Darkness (04:43)

Band members:
Johan van Stratum - Bass
Marcela Bovio - Vocals
Stephan Schultz - Guitars
Eric Hazebroek - Guitars
Jeffrey Revet - Keyboards
Martijn Peters - Drums

Miscellaneous staff:
Alexandra V Bach - Artwork
Tim Tronckoe - Photography

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