We Sell The Dead - "Pale And Perfect" (video)

Παρασκευή 23 Μαρτίου 2018

Το βίντεο των We Sell The Dead για το "Pale And Perfect" από το album "Heaven Doesn't Want You And Hell Is Full"
Band: We Sell The Dead
Video: "Pale And Perfect"
Album: "Heaven Doesn't Want You And Hell Is Full"
Type: Full length
Release date: February 23rd, 2018
Label: Ear Music
Format: CD, LP, Digital

Track listing:
1. The body market
2. Echoes of an ugly past
3. Leave me alone
4. Imagine
5. Turn it over
6. Too cold too touch
7. Trust
8. Pale and perfect
9. Silent scream

Band members:
Niclas Engelin - Guitar
Gas Lipstick - Drums
Jonas Slattung - Bass
Apollo Papathanasio - Vocals

Δελτίο τύπου: «Revolving around Niclas Engelin (In Flames, Engel), Drömriket’s Jonas Slättung, Gas Lipstick (former HIM) and the voice of Apollo Papathanasio (Spiritual Beggars, Firewind), heavy metal band "We Sell The Dead" follows the question "What if Jack the Ripper had played in a band?"

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