Adna - Closure (music video)

Τρίτη 20 Ιουνίου 2017

Adna - Closure (music video)
The official music video for the single "Closure" by Adna. Also the title track off of her third album. Music recorded by Adna, and then co-produced and mixed together with Simon Hagström Rennerstedt...

Band: Adna
Video: "Closure"
Directors: Adna, Marcus Nyberg & Steven Warburton
Producers and photographers: Marcus Nyberg and Steven Warburton
Mastering: Henrik Alsér

Adna: «I wanted us to try visualize the emotions that created the song. I think of it as a constant destructive search for light: always in front of you, but you're never really reaching for it.»

Marcus Nyberg (director): « It's inspiring to work witch such a creative artist, where the visions & aesthetics extend way further than the music. Every step in the project is a part of a world that you are invited to be a part of for a moment.»

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