Ricky Warwick - Celebrating Sinking (video)

Κυριακή 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Artist / Band: Ricky Warwick
Video: "Celebrating Sinking"
Album: "When Patsy Cline Was Crazy... / Hearts On Trees"
Release date: 26th February 2016
Label: Nuclear Blast Entertainment
Format: 2CD, 2LP

This reissue includes two solo albums by the BLACK STAR RIDERS frontman: The first, "Heart on Trees", is an acoustic based album who’s theme is being true to your roots and what people sacrifice for their homes.. The second is a full on rock album Ricky’s has entitled "When Patsy Cline Was Crazy (And Guy Mitchell Sang The Blues)".

CD 1 - Track list:
01. The Road To Damascus Street 4:14
02. Celebrating Sinking 4:03
03. When Patsy Cline Was Crazy (And Guy Mitchell Sang The Blues) 4:24
04. Toffee Town 3:34
05. That's Where The Story Ends 3:50
06. Johnny Ringo's Last Ride 3:34
07. Gold Along The Cariboo 3:58
08. The Son Of The Wind 3:05
09. If You're Not Gonna Leave Me (I'll Find Someone Who Will) 3:07
10. Yesteryear 3:35
11. Ghost Town Road (Bonus Track) 4:20
12. The Whiskey Song (Bonus Track) 3:49
13. Tank McCullough Saturdays (Alternative Version, Bonus Track) 4:04

CD 2 - Track list:
01. Presbyterian Homesick Blues 3:42
02. Tank McCullough Saturdays 3:46
03. Psycho 2:52
04. Hearts On Trees 3:47
05. Said Samson To Goliath 5:36
06. It's Way Too Cold For Snow 3:33
07. Schwaben Redoubt 3:26
08. The Year Of Living Dangerously 3:59
09. Disasters 3:00
10. 82 2:46
11. Love Owes (Bonus Track) 3:08
12. I Can See My Life (From Here) [Bonus Track] 4:46
13. The Ugly Truth (Bonus Track) 3:19
14. Hell Or Highwater (Bonus Track) 4:01
15. Eight Bells (Bonus Track) 5:33

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