Lenny Kravitz - The Chamber

Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Artist / Band: Lenny Kravitz
Video: "The Chamber"
Album: "Just Let Go"
Type: Video
Release date: October 2015
Label: Eagle Rock
Run Time: 131 minutes

Released on October 23rd, "Just Let Go" combines full live performances from Lenny Kravitz’s 2014 European Tour with interviews and rehearsal footage to give a unique insight into the creative process behind Lenny Kravitz’s music and the staging and presentation of his live performances. 

The film contrasts the intimacy of conversations with Lenny and his band and footage from rehearsals and behind the scenes on the tour with the spectacular live performances of his best loved tracks including "It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over," "Are You Gonna Go My Way", "Let Love Rule", "Fly Away", "The Chamber", "American Woman", "Dig In" and more.

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