Kari Rueslåtten - Battle Forevermore

Τετάρτη 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Το "Battle Forevermore" είναι το δεύτερο single της Νορβηγίδας καλλιτέχνιδας Kari Rueslåtten μέσα από τον δίσκο "To The North", ο οποίος θα κυκλοφορήσει στα τέλη Οκτωβρίου. Η Kari είπε για το τραγούδι: «Battle Forevermore is in many ways a love-song dealing with what many of us are most afraid of, that once we have found love, it is not ours to keep, but merely to borrow for a while, and that one day it will die.»

Artist: Kari Rueslåtten
Video: "Battle Forevermore"
Video produced by: Grethe Borsum

Album: "Battle Forevermore"
Type: Single
Format: 7″ vinyl picture disc

Side A: "Battle Forevermore"
Side B: "Turn, Turn, Turn"

Album: "To The North"
Type: Full length
Release date: 22 October 2015
Label: Despotz Records
Produced by: Jostein Ansnes
Recorded live in: Parr Street studio, Liverpool
Mixed by: Jostein Ansnes and Jo Ranheim in Øra studio, Trondheim

Band members:
Kari Rueslåtten - vocals
Jostein Ansnes - guitars
Richard Turvey - keys
Steve Pilgrim - drums and vocals
Martyn Campbell - bass
Frode Flemsæter - keys

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