Cernunnos Rising - The Witches Tree

Δευτέρα 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Band: Cernunnos Rising
Audio video: "The Witches Tree"
Album: "Urban Druid"
Label: Cernunnos Music

→ All music and lyrics copyright to George Nicholas
→ Cernunnos Rising: Medwyn Goodall & George Nicholas

Οι αυτοσυστήνονται ως: «a unique blend of New Age, Celtic, Pagan, Druidic music featuring evocative songs with deep and well crafted lyrics; reminding us of a living tradition that explores the mysticism of trees, the waters, the air that we breathe, the seen and the unseen and the delicate balance in all things.With overwhelming reviews from O.B.O.D. members and fellow artists such as Damh the Bard, Cernunnos Rising's albums "Wild Soul" and "Urban Druid" have gained major exposure and response in a short space of time.»

The Witches Tree (lyrics)

I sit beneath the witches tree
The elder mother talks to me
A journey to the other side
The fragrance takes me there

Old lady standing, wise and bent
With summers night,
I breath your scent
The other world, so near so far

So will you lift the veil?

I sleep beneath the witches tree
The rurite stones watch over me
The fae, they dance by full moon light
I watch them as they shine

We even drink wine

Queen of herbs, good fortune bring
Your mystic healing ways I sing
For you, I'll need the faery folk
All dancing in a ring

Old girl, give up thy secret world
And staff and wand, to me you should
For I will give you some of mine
When I become a tree

I sleep beneath the witches tree
The rurite stones watch over me
The fae, they dance by full moon light
I watch them as they shine

We even drink wine

You'll give me thy fruit and flower
The winely essence and the power
See ahead more clearly now
The pathway in the mist

Old lady standing, wise and bent
With summer's night, I breath your scent
You'll do well, so near so far
I see beyond the veil

I sleep beneath the witches tree
The rurite stones watch over me
The fae they dance by full moon light
I watch them as they shine

We even drink wine

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