Jimi Hendrix, Vinyl Art by Daniel Edlen

Τετάρτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Ο Daniel Edlen ζωγραφίζει πάνω σε δίσκους βινυλίου πορτρέτα γνωστών καλλιτεχνών. Καλαίσθητο το αποτέλεσμα, αλλά... ξεχάστε τον δίσκο (δεν παίζει μετά την ζωγραφική παρέμβαση)! Στο κάτωθι βίντεο ο Daniel ζωγραφίζει τον τιτάνα της ηλεκτρικής κιθάρας, Jimi Hendrix...

Daniel Edlen: «This video shows a complete painting from start to finish, sped up 12x. I use straight white acrylic layered directly on the vinyl record, the black vinyl visually mixing with the white to create the illusion of shading. 

Once the paint gets in the grooves I can't get it out, so I can't make mistakes any more than a tiny speck. I use a very smashed cheap brush in a modified Pointillistic style, dabbing on the paint. Working from my background in figure scultpure, I'm kind of molding the face, bringing the highlights out of the shadows. 

The purpose of my Vinyl Art is to celebrate the subject and object. Creating art on the artifacts of creativity, I'm trying to pay homage, to thank our culture for shaping who I am today. What do you remember about records growing up? 

Do you still have yours or wish you did? It was my dad's collection that inspired my lifelong passion for music and the physical memories pressed into records. The only records I would never paint are his. And, no, you can't play it once I paint it.»

2 σχόλια:

Minstrel in the Gallery είπε...

Και μόνο που είδα ότι καταστρέφουν τα βινύλια, δεν θέλω!

ROCK STAR είπε...

Εκτός κι αν οι δίσκοι είναι ήδη off!

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