Playmates Rock Out For Guitar World!

Τετάρτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Οι Playmates Raquel Pomplun (2013 Playmate of the Year), Pamela Horton (Miss October 2012) και Jaclyn Swedberg (2012 Playmate of the Year) φόρεσαν τα σκισμένα και -γι αυτό- sexy μπλουζάκια με στάμπες Black Sabbath, Dio, Led Zeppelin AC/DC κλπ, "βούτηξαν" τις κιθάρες και... Let's rock!!!

First video: "There’s something incredibly sexy about a gorgeous woman handling a guitar, especially when it’s not one woman but a trio of Playmates. 2013 Playmate of the Year Raquel Pomplun, Miss October 2012 Pamela Horton and 2012 Playmate of the Year Jaclyn Swedberg got amped up for the 2015 Guitar World cover shoot, showing off new gear and guitars just in time for the holidays."

Second video: "Go behind-the-scenes of the 2015 Guitar World Cover Shoot and see what it’s really like to be on set with three playmates handling new guitars and gear. 2013 Playmate of the Year Raquel Pomplun, Miss October 2012 Pamela Horton and 2012 Playmate of the Year Jaclyn Swedberg tell us about their first concerts and give their best sexy air guitar impressions."

Third video: "Guitar World brings you the Ultimate Guitar Review Guide. The 2015 review guide includes the top picks of the year's best gear, modeled by Playboy Playmates Jaclyn Swedberg, Raquel Pomplun, and Pamela Horton."

2 σχόλια:

Minstrel in the Gallery είπε...

Αν φορούσαν μπλουζάκι Jethro Tull τις παντρευόμουν!

BALADEUR είπε...

Και τις τρεις βρε θηρίο; Μωαμεθανός είσαι;

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