Beggar's Blues Diary - Man Of 2 Faces

Δευτέρα 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Band: Beggar's Blues Diary
Audio video: Man Of 2 Faces"
Title: "The truth"
Release Date: 2013
Format: Vinyl
Label: Records On Top

The band’s second album titled "The truth". The album consists of 11 tracks, music and lyrics by Yannis Passas. Recorded and mixed at Prova Studios, Tavros Greece. Mastered at Entasis Mastering by Bill Lagos. Produced by Harris Gioulistanis and Yannis Passas. The album is available on vinyl (CD included).

Line Up:
Yannis Passas - Vox/guitars
Chili - Bass
Angelos Tanis - Drums/percussion

Additional players:
Hidden Beggar - Organ/piano
Dimitris Simos - Sax
Hariton Haritonidis - Bag pipe

Man Of 2 Faces (lyrics)

Let me tell you about the man of two faces
Hanging around dealing with different traces
Walking alone, digging a hole, somehow wasted
Shooting for thrill, ride like the wind, down in graceland

I know him well, Now I know him well

Soon as you found new kid in town, on the border
Logical song, riding the storm, hold no quarter
Rocket the queen, modern daydream, on a pavement
Changing the quards, we’re all made of stars, in new heaven

I know him well, Now I know him well

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