Pink Floyd - The Endless River (videos)

Κυριακή 9 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Band: Pink Floyd
Album: "The Endless River"
Release date: 10 November 2014
Type: Full length
Formats: CD, LP (double vinyl), Deluxe Box (CD + DVD or BLU-RAY)
Creative Director: Aubrey Powell, Hipgnosis
Sleeve design by: Stylorouge
Front cover concept by: Ahmed Emad Eldin
Producers: David Gilmour, Phil Manzanera, Youth, Andy Jackson

Track listing SIDE 1:
01. Things Left Unsaid
02. It’s What We Do
03. Ebb and Flow

Track listing SIDE 2:
04. Sum
05. Skins
06. Unsung
07. Anisina

Track listing SIDE 3:
08. The Lost Art of Conversation
09. On Noodle Street
10. Night Light
11. Allons-y (1)
12. Autumn '68
13. Allons-y (2)
14. Talkin’ Hawkin'

Track listing SIDE 4:
15. Calling
16. Eyes to Pearls
17. Surfacing
18. Louder Than Words

"The Endless River" album in 5.1 Surround (Dolby Digital) 48kHz /24 bit
"The Endless River" album in 5.1 Surround (DTS) 48kHz /24 bit
"The Endless River" album in PCM stereo 48kHz /24 bit

"The Endless River" album in 5.1 Surround (DTS Master Audio) 96kHz /24 bit
"The Endless River" album in 5.1 Surround (PCM) 96kHz /24
"The Endless River" album in PCM stereo 96kHz /24 bit

Video: Anisina, Untitled, Evrika (a), Nervana, Allons-y, Evrika (b)

Video material from standard definition sources
DVD Audio: 48/24
Bluray Audio: 96/24

Audio: TBS9, TBS14, Nervana

DVD: PCM Stereo (48/24)
BLU-RAY: PCM Stereo (96/24)

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