Flying Colors (videos)

Πέμπτη 31 Ιουλίου 2014

Flying Colors (biography from Wikipedia): Flying Colors is an American supergroup composed of Mike Portnoy, Dave LaRue, Casey McPherson, Neal Morse and Steve Morse. The formation of the band started with the idea of having virtuoso musicians and a pop singer joining together to make new-fashioned music the old fashioned way.

The idea was brought in 2008 by executive producer Bill Evans and the record was done with the help of music producer Peter Collins. Intrigued by the idea, and the prospect of working together, the musicians signed on to form a band and record a full-length album.

The self-titled debut studio album by Flying Colors was released on 26 March 2012. It debuted at No. 9 on Billboard's Hard Rock chart, and No. 11 on the BBC's Rock Album charts. The band also made a short tour in Europe the same year and recorded a Blu-ray/DVD which was released in October 15th 2013. On December 16th 2013, the band announced on their website that songwriting had been completed for their second studio album.

Casey McPherson - lead vocals, keyboards, rhythm guitar
Neal Morse - keyboards, vocals
Steve Morse - lead guitar
Dave LaRue - bass guitar
Mike Portnoy - drums, percussion, vocals

Flying Colors (2012)
Live in Europe (2013)

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