Maze portraits of Rock Stars

Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2013

What is a maze? Οφείλω να ομολογήσω ότι δεν γνώριζα τι είναι τα "maze portraits".

A maze is a complex structure with a series of interconnecting pathways. The term is also used to refer to a graphical puzzle which replicates the maze on a two dimensional medium. A maze is viewed as a puzzle which must be solved, and the solver must work his or her way from the entrance of the maze to an exit, or another location. Getting through a maze can be difficult, leading to the use of "maze" as a slang term for a complex process.

Αποτελεί μία ιδιαίτερη τεχνική για να φτιάχνεις πορτρέτα. Ένας από τους καλλιτέχνες του χώρου είναι και ο Yonatan Frimer. Ανάμεσα στα πορτρέτα που έχει δημιουργήσει υπάρχουν κι αρκετοί "αστέρες" από το ευρύτερο φάσμα της rock μουσικής...
* John Lennon Psychedelic Maze Portrait
* Simon and Garfunkel Maze
* Purple Maze - Jimi Hendrix
* Gene Simmons KISS and Maze Up - A Word From The Artist
About This Maze, By Yonatan Frimer: One of the most memorable aspect of the 80's was those big hair bands. Some, such as KISS, went overboard a bit and let that style become part of their face make up. Gene Simmons, the lead singer for the band at the time, was the basis for the face of this maze. I tried to capture the wildness of this rockstar with a psychedelic background. There is a series of vanishing points and concentric circles that create the checkered pattern for the background of this maze portrait.
* Like a Rolling Maze - Bob Dylan - A Word From The Artist
About This Maze, By Yonatan Frimer: Bob Dylan was is one of the greatest musicians that ever was. You might even make the argument that he was the first rapper ever, as his lyrics did rhyme and he did sort of speak more than he sang to the microphone. I kept hearing the music "like a rolling stone" while I was drawing this maze, and so I named it "like a rolling maze".

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