L.A. Guns - "Made in Milan" (live videos)

Δευτέρα 26 Μαρτίου 2018

Ο live δίσκος των L.A. Guns "Made in Milan"
Band: L.A. Guns
Country of origin: United States
Location: Los Angeles, California
Formed in: 1983
Genre: Hard rock, glam metal
Years active: 1983-present

1st Video: "Speed"
2nd Video: "No Mercy"

Album: "Made in Milan"
Type: Live album
Release date: March 23rd, 2018

Tracks: 14
Total Length: 1:04:54
Label: Frontiers Records s.r.l.
Format: CD/DVD, Blu-Ray, Vinyl, Digital

Produced by: Alessandro Del Vecchio
Studio: Ivorytears Music Works, Somma Lomberdo, Italy
Recorded by: Alessandro Del Vecchio, Andrea Seveso
Mixed & Mastered by: Alessandro Del Vecchio

Track listing CD:
01. No Mercy (Live) 2:55
02. Electric Gypsy (Live) 3:48
03. Killing Machine (Live) 3:18
04. Bow Solo / Over the Edge (Live) 7:03
05. Sex Action (Live) 4:12
06. Speed (Live) 3:24
07. One More Reason (Live) 3:47
08. Kiss My Love Goodbye (Live) 4:34
09. Don't Look at Me That Way (Live) 4:36
10. Malaria (Live) 6:33
11. Never Enough (Live) 4:08
12. Jelly Jam (Live) 5:34
13. The Ballad of Jayne (Live) 5:41
14. Rip and Tear (Live) 5:21

Track listing DVD:
01. No Mercy
02. Electric Gypsy
03. Killing Machine
04. Bow Solo/Over The Edge
05. The Bitch Is Back
06. Sex Action
07. Speeed
08. One More Reason
09. Kiss My Love Goodbye
10. Don’t Look At Me That Way
11. Malaria
12. Never Enough
13. Jelly Jam
14. The Ballad Of Jayne
15. Rip And Tear

Band members:
Tracii Guns
Philip Lewis
Michael Grant
Shane Fitzgibbon
Johnny Martin

Δελτίο τύπου: «After more than a decade apart, Tracii Guns and Phil Lewis reunited under the L.A. Guns' banner and in 2017, released arguably one of the most critically praised album of their extensive catalog, "The Missing Peace".

Landing at #12 Top Record Label Independent Current Albums, #17 Top Current Rock Albums, and #47 Top Current Albums on the Billboard charts in the U.S., plus numerous international charts, clearly the most important critics, the fans, agreed with the consensus of how truly great their new studio album is.

With a new found energy and the enthusiasm of the then imminent release of "The Missing Peace", L.A. Guns stormed onto the stage in Milan, IT and took absolutely no prisoners, packing the set front to back with stone cold classics and soon to be classics.

This current incarnation of the band has been touring non-stop and the cohesiveness of the unit, not to mention Phil’s stunning and unique vocals and Guns’ mind-bending guitar playing, are on full display here. A must hear and listen for all fans of the band, both new and old school!»

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