Perfect Plan - "All Rise" (videos)

Τετάρτη 28 Μαρτίου 2018

Ο δίσκος των Perfect Plan "All Rise"
Band: Perfect Plan
Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Örnsköldsvik
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock

1st Video: "Gone Too Far"
2nd Video: "In And Out Of Love"
Album: "All Rise"
Type: Full length
Release date: April 20th, 2018
Total length: 49:19
Tracks: 11
Label: Frontiers Music s.r.l.
Format: CD

01. Bad City Woman
02. In And Out Of Love
03. Stone Cold Lover
04. Gone Too Far
05. What Goes Around
06. Too Late
07. Can’t Turn Back
08. Never Surrender
09. 1985
10. What Can I Do
11. Heaven In Your Eyes

Band members:
Kent Hilli - Vocals
Rolf Nordström - Guitar
P-O Sedin - Bass
Fredrik Forsberg - Drums
Leif Ehlin - Keyboards

Δελτίο τύπου: «Frontiers Music Srl is pleased to announce the signing of a great new AOR/Melodic Rock band from Örnsköldsvik, Sweden: Perfect Plan. The band formed in late 2014 and has been busy writing songs and honing their craft ever since.

Perfect Plan's music came to the attention of Frontiers Music Srl in the spring of 2017 and the label was immediately excited by the musical mixture of classic Scandinavian AOR (think Work of Art, Treat, early Europe) with nods to legends like Giant, Foreigner and Journey.

Their debut album will include influences from both the modern and classic AOR/Melodic Rock of the 80’s. The band features the extraordinary new singer Kent Hilli together with Rolf Nordström on guitar, P-O Sedin on bass, Fredrik Forsberg on drums and Leif Ehlin on keyboards.

Kent Hilli says: “I am so proud and happy to be a part of this journey together with my dear friends in Perfect Plan and i really hope to see you all soon at a stage somewhere. Remember, everything is possible if you want it bad enough!”

Rolf Nordström adds: “I'm really excited and pleased with our debut album and I'm look-ing forward to this journey together with my great mates in the band!” Perfect Plan are ready to take on the world and become one of your favorite new melodic rock artists!»

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