Issa - "Sacrifice Me" (duet with Deen Castronovo)

Τρίτη 27 Μαρτίου 2018

Το πέμπτο "στουντιακό" album της Issa είναι προ των πυλών. Η Νορβηγίδα τραγουδίστρια θα κυκλοφορήσει τον Απρίλιο τον δίσκο "Run with the Pack" κι εμείς παρακολουθούμε το video clip του τραγουδιού "Sacrifice Me", στο οποίο τραγουδά μαζί με τον Deen Castronovo (drummer και τραγουδιστής που έχει συνεργασθεί με καλλιτέχνες - μπάντες όπως: Ozzy, Journey, Cacophony, Steve Vai, Paul Rodgers, Joey Tafolla, Tony MacAlpine, Marty Friedman, Bad English, Wild Dogs κλπ)...

Δελτίο τύπου: «As with Issa's past releases, "Run With The Pack", is a melodic rock fans dream come true with huge vocals and soaring melodies! This time around, Issa partnered with Alessandro Del Vecchio to work on her new album and to mix things up, brought in the excellent Simone Mularoni of Italian progressive metal giants, DGM to play guitar (who is also an excellent producer and songwriter, in his own right).

The line-up was rounded out by Andrea Tower Torricini and Marco Di Salvia holding down the rhythm section for what is arguably ISSA’s most fully realized musical offering yet! Another nice touch for this album is that the stars aligned and Revolution Saints frontman/drummer, Deen Castronovo (The Dead Daisies, ex-Journey) was able to come by the studio and perform a duet with Issa on the track "Sacrifice Me". Issa’s musical growth over the years has been tremendous and fans will reap the rewards with "Run With The Pack"!»

Το βίντεο της Issa για το "Sacrifice Me" από το album "Run with the Pack"
Artist / Band: Issa
Country of origin: Norway
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock

Video: "Sacrifice Me"
Album: "Run with the Pack"
Release date: April 20th, 2018
Type: Full length
Total length: 45:27
Tracks: 12
Label: Frontiers Music s.r.l.

Track listing:
01. Am I Losin' You
02. Run With The Pack
03. Sacrifice Me (feat. Deen Castronovo)
04. How Long
05. The Sound Of Yesterday
06. Come Back Again Now
07. Talk To Your Heart
08. Bittersweet
09. Closer To You
10. Irreplaceable
11. Everything To Me
12. Talk to Your Heart (Acoustic - bonus)

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